Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS), also known as fibromyalgia, is a disorder characterized by widespread pain, tenderness, and fatigue. CPS affects the musculoskeletal system, causing pain in muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia, which often is worsened by stress, infections, weather changes, overexertion, poor sleep, or anxiety. Although the cause of CPS isn't clear, research suggests it may be related to abnormalities in how the body processes pain signals.
Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS), also known as fibromyalgia, is a disorder characterized by widespread pain, tenderness, and fatigue. CPS affects the musculoskeletal system, causing pain in muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fascia, which often is worsened by stress, infections, weather changes, overexertion, poor sleep, or anxiety. Although the cause of CPS isn't clear, research suggests it may be related to abnormalities in how the body processes pain signals.
Chronic Pain Syndrome (CPS) in Saudi Arabia is a complex condition characterized by persistent pain without a specific injury or damage cause. Treatment includes physical therapy, medication, and psychotherapy. The National Guard Health Affairs provides comprehensive care.
Patients may face long waiting times for appointments due to high demand. Prescription medications are widely available but can be costly.